
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rodstrupe / Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

We were walking along a gravel path near Sandneset for a shot of cold fresh air  (14 degrees with windchill) one fine evening when we noticed a little brown bird hopping along from branch to branch until it disappeared into the pine forests. We made a complete loop of the trail and the bird kept popping up at every corner, each time announcing it's arrival by perching on a very prominent branch as if saying, "I'm still here!". 

It's nice to see robins again, cute as buttons. We used to have one in our garden in Assen over several winters, friendly and confiding especially when there's crumbs of bread to be had. Perhaps it's the same with the robin here, maybe they are quite used to presence of people, most of the time conveniently associate them with food.

The robin that came to see us when we were walking along a path in the pine forest within the Stavanger Botanical Gardens.

The robin we bumped into at Sandneset which followed us on our evening walk.

When we were walking along in the Stavanger Botanical Garden, another robin popped by, doing the same. It "followed" us all the way to the end of the trail, all the while keeping a safe distance. It only flew away perhaps after assuring itself that there's no food coming from us. Maybe we'll bring some this coming winter.

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